Thursday, February 7, 2019

艾未未 草泥馬 — A Documentary Film (2/19/2014)

Film Chat - 「艾未未 草泥馬」 
Ai Wei-Wei Never Sorry

In response to Henry's comments on the documentary title, the following is my response:

I echo most of your points of view particularly in the decision of where to place Ai as an artist or as a dissident.  He is more of a dissident than an artist in my opinion.  People go to his exhibits because he is a famous dissident (from China where you don't hear much of him through official channels.)  His art standing alone is not much, the few shown in this film are good but not great, some of them are more sensational than artistic to my layperson eyes.

Another point of yours is that some key persons (especially the wife) are not dealt with in depth in this docu film.  You mentioned another film "Jiro Dreams Sushi"  with similar problem.  In our discussion of this film ( Our club also watched this film last spring ) some of the participants mentioned that the wife was completely left out in the film.  The reason we knew he has a wife is because a family photograph shown somewhere in the film.  Another documentary we watched last spring is "KJ - a musical life" where the mother of the young piano prodigy never made an appearance in the film (she was divorced from the father only in recent year.)  One explanation by some viewers is that she may have chosen not to be interviewed or included in the film production.  I wonder whether that is true for "Jiro" but certainly not in "Ai."

Just another cent or two from me.


電影天地 (一)


每次回台就是我充電的時刻,怎麼說呢? 在美國有固定生活作息,無法有效率的去規劃一週看一部或兩部電影。回鄉一趟,在離開國界的天空中就能看個七、八部電影,回來時已經看了四個影片。在機艙內一向無法成眠,回程再混個七八小時也可以看個三兩部影片吧?


回臺北的機程中看了:"The Mustang", 2016 年土耳其影片講述五個姊妹身處她們所在的郷城,反抗保守力量加諸她們身上的諸種壓迫,爭取身體和精神的自由。「暗色天堂」"Heaven In the Dark" 2016年港片,改編自香港得獎舞台劇「法吻」,是個類似羅生門(男女兩造對同一事件各説各話,撲朔迷離真相)的劇本。新進導演袁劍偉説:"電影劇本只是一個藍本,現場變數很多,寫作的方法本身就不同。" 但他仍舊保持很多舞台劇的元素。「逆光少女」"Blanka",2015 年菲律賓電影和  "Brand New Testament ",   2015/2016 法國片,影壇長青樹 Catherine Deneuve 客串主演。 

在台北華山光點電影院看的兩部影片:「比海還深」(After the Storm ), 2016日本片,是枝裕和導演又一部親情佳片。講的是一個失職離婚後的父親,盼望修補與前妻及兒子的關係,在意外來臨的颱風之夜一段感人的家庭時光悄悄展開.....。另一部電影「明天別再來敲門」 (A Man Called Ove) 為 2015 瑞典片,導演Hannes Holm 瑞典𣈱銷小說改編,幽默感人的劇情片。

