Thursday, April 25, 2019

電影雜談 (關於小津安二郎)- e 信簡

movie Talk

Letter to a friend discussed Ozu's influence on films worldwide

You're welcome.  I am watching the "Tokyo Family" right now, not quite finished yet.  It is a modern version of  "Tokyo Story" with only a few minor changes over Ozu's original.  Just to be fair it is a decent rendition of the same story, a bit too closely following the original screenplay down to the scenes some of the shots are almost identically.

In contrast I much enjoy the German made film "Cherry Blossoms."  Even though I don't know whether Ozu's storyline was acknowledged in this movie, the changes or the differences are quite fitting to the backdrop of a modern society Germany or otherwise.  And the movie can certainly be evaluated independent of the well-known original it is based on.


在台北時讀了一本書或許你們會感興趣。作者名野上照代,她父母的故事在山田洋次 2008年的「母親」中有較戲劇性之演繹。野上照代即片中的小女𠒇阿照。


這本傳記寫得趣味盎然,加上她生動的插圖,讀起來親切又有趣。書中講述不少黑澤明拍片過程,包括「影武者」 中處理馬匹及士兵屍橫遍野的畫面,以及「夢」片中一段梵谷名畫重現金黃麥田中野鴉亂飛的情境,讓人更加佩服黑澤明對藝術的執着及他在拍片中處理技術方面不少過人的做法。



8/24/2015 (Correspondent with film group members, other than Henry who’s organizer of (SVMLC), a movie club, the names of other participants were not shown.

Thank you Henry for your various input.  "Pickpocket" is the first Bresson film I saw and I am not aware of what constitutes transcendentalism in films.  Love to hear what you have to say after viewing the film yet again.

"Woman in the Dunes" however is what I would coin a perfect example of artistic film made to excel in almost every aspect of film making. 

Not only in cinematography, screenplay and sound effect does it establish itself as an outstanding work, this simple story (or allegory) with so many undercurrent themes layered and woven into the storyline in such impeccable fashion that it comes out as an organic whole.

  When I said "Ida" is like an exquisite work of art, a statue of a beautiful woman if you may,

"Woman in the Dunes" stands even taller in that the woman (of the statue) is more sophisticated and there are nuances and details abundant to be explored.

Again, it is one of my all time favorite films although my thoughts can be biased.
That is why I appreciated the ideas from you thru this exchange.

K, I hope I didn't spoil your fun in watching the film on your own.

Do we want to wait until K watches the films before further discussion? She has a talent of seeing things differently.  Besides, this will force her to watch the films earlier.


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